Sex in the Time of Zombies

Sex in the Time of Zombies
Автор: Rose William Todd
Язык: английский
Год: 2011
Издатель: Living Dead Press
ISBN: 978-1935458951
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Comprised of seven short stories set during varying points of an undead apocalypse, this collection explores the roles sex and sexuality may play in determing survival in this nightmare landscape. Stories include Dance With the Dead, Night of the Living Furries, Tender is the Nightmare, Tiffany Shepis & the Fanboy of the Apocalypse, Hips, and Skinning the Freshy. Sex… Zombies… Let the infection begin.
Even in a world filled with the living dead, sex exists. A stripper hell-bent on survival faces off against the living dead in a no-holds barred dance of death. A lone soldier, separated from his unit, finds that the ghosts of his past may very well be more dangerous than a hotel overrun with zombified furries. A boy faces his inner demons, ready to do anything to be accepted by his peers. A woman, captured by slavers, finds out there are worse horrors than the walking dead. From the first day of the undead apocalypse to points far in the future, this book explores the roles sex and sexuality play in determining survival. Sex… zombies… love. The line between them is not as clear as you might think. Let the infection begin.

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