Shut the Fuck Up and Die!

Shut the Fuck Up and Die!
Автор: Rose William Todd
Язык: английский
Год: 2012
Издатель: Amazon Digital Services
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The old house knew the taste of blood. It was as familiar with screams as it was the wind whistling through the desolate pine forest in which it hid. For within its walls, a sadistic evil had taken root in the minds of its residents: a family whose fiendish desires demanded blood, tears, and pain to quench their savage thirst for brutality.
Enter Matt And Mona: young newlyweds with the misfortune to have car trouble at the wrong place, on the wrong night…. As good samaritans lead them into the isolation of the woods, no one realized a nightmare was about to be unleashed…
Prepare yourself. It’s about to get very, very bloody.

“If you think you have the stomach for gruesome and graphic, give this book a spot on your digital shelf.”
~ Carl Hose, author of Blood Legacy

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