When it was published twenty-five years ago, this book captured a huge audience of Vietnam War protesters, dropouts, and rebels—and their baffled elders. Theodore Roszak found common ground between 1960s student radicals and hippie dropouts in...
"It is a brilliant and highly original thesis. I commend Roszak for writing the book." - Tom Pochari, World Affairs Monthly
"...sense of optimisim that comes out in this book, where Roszak champions the possibility of restoring that lost commitment...
Jonathan Gates loves going to the Classic, a legendary little art house cinema in west L.A. There he succumbs to what will be a lifelong obsession with the mysterious Max Castle, a nearly forgotten genius of the silent screen and film noir director...
Julia Stein, a brilliant gerontologist, is entrusted with an exceptional case. Aaron Lacey is a child suffering from progeria, a condition that prematurely ages the boy and dooms him to an early death. Using extremely unconventional methods, Julia...