Set at the time of the Spanish Inquisition in the fifteenth century, "Rose of Fire" tells the story of the origins of the mysterious labyrinthine library, the Cemetery of Forgotten Books, which lies at the heart of Carlos Ruiz Zafon's novels The...
In 1943, Max Carver's father - a watchmaker and inventor - decides to move his family to a small town on the coast, to an abandoned house that holds many secrets and stories of its own. Behind the house Max discovers an overgrown garden...
Irene y su familia se trasladan a vivir a bahía azul, donde su madre trabaja como ama de llaves de un misterioso fabricante de juguetes donde vive recluido en una gigantesca mansión poblado por seres mecánicos y sombras del pasado. Un...
Calcutta, 1916. Un soldat anglais fuit dans les ombres nocturnes de la Cité des palais. Au creux de ses bras, il abrite des jumeaux de quelques jours qu'il vient d'arracher à un mystérieux criminel. Confiés à leur...