Viele Jahre schon lauschen die Radioteleskope von „Projekt Argus“ ins All, um Signale fremder Intelligenzen irgendwo im Universum aufzufangen. Und dann ist plötzlich Kontakt da. Aus einer Entfernung von 26 Lichtjahren übermitteln...
…Contato deve ser a obra de Carl Sagan mais conhecida. O cientista e divulgador de ciências experimentou pela primeira vez o gênero romance para apresentar suas idéias a respeito do universo, da humanidade e da própria...
Carl Sagan, a modern-day Renaissance man of science, was born in 1934 in New York. After graduating with both a B.A. and a B.S. degree from the University of Chicago, Sagan completed his M.S. in physics and earned a Ph.D. in astronomy and...
Carl Sagan's prophetic vision of the tragic resurgence of fundamentalism and the hope-filled potential of the next great development in human spirituality
The late great astronomer and astrophysicist describes his personal search to understand...
Carl Sagan, writer and scientist, returns from the frontier to tell us about how the world works. In his delightfully down-to-earth style, he explores and explains a mind-boggling future of intelligent robots, extraterrestrial life and its...