The Way of Kings Prime was written in 2002 and is basically an alternate version of The Way of Kings, which was published by Tor Books in 2010. The Way of Kings Prime is very different from the published book. Think of it as set in a different...
„Tancerka Krawędzi”, zupełnie nowa mikropowieść ze świata Archiwum Burzowego Światła jest ukoronowaniem Bezkresu magii, pierwszego zbioru opowiadań Brandona Sandersona. Obowiązkowa lektura dla fanów.
Zbiór zawiera ponadto osiem innych...
A man awakens in a clearing in what appears to be medieval England with no memory of who he is, where he came from, or why he is there. Chased by a group from his own time, his sole hope for survival lies in regaining his missing memories, making...
Bestsellerowy autor, Brandon Sanderson powraca z opowiescia o nieustraszonej dziewczynie, która chce zostac pilotem mysliwca w czasach najazdu ludzkosci przez okrutna rase obcych
Swiat Spensy jest atakowany od setek lat. Obcy zwani Krellami...
A story that was once only accessible in the vaults of the BYU Library is lined up to join your Sandershelf. This novel takes place on Yolen and follows a young man named Jerick, as well as prominently featuring a fool who calls himself Topaz, who...
Trained from birth in swordplay and combat, a young knight named Siris has journeyed to the Dark Citadel with a single purpose: fight through the army of Titans to face the tyrannical God King in one-on-one combat. This was his father's sacred...