Bunker Core

Bunker Core
Другая фантастика, Постапокалипсис
Автор: Seiple Andrew
Серия: Core Control #1
Язык: русский
Год: 2018
Добавил: Admin 29 Апр 19
Проверил: Admin 29 Апр 19
Формат:  EPUB (361 Kb)
  • Currently 0/5

Рейтинг: 0/5 (Всего голосов: 0)


Wynne might have been human once. It's hard to say.
Now he's a bunker core, a nanomachine controller responsible for an entire complex.
Of course, the place is a bit wrecked. And the world outside is ruins. And he's pretty sure that whoever put him here is going to come looking for him at some point. And then there's the raiders...
Dungeon Core, Post-apocalyptic style. Come for the mutants, stay for the dystopian adventure!

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