After a mystical Egyptian artifact is stolen by a renegade member of the Morpheus Initiative, Caleb Crowe and his team of psychics must use all their abilities to prevent the release of its catastrophic power. But first, they must survive the...
A legendary treasure chamber hidden beneath the ruins of the Pharos Lighthouse, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, has defied discovery for over two thousand years. Until today. Until the Morpheus Initiative — a team of psychic...
Book Five and (temporary) conclusion to the Morpheus Initiative series.
The world is in chaos and on the brink of devastation. The population reeling with the sudden onslaught of psychic visions, only the seasoned team of remote viewers under...
After a deadly new enemy emerges, one that can cloud their minds with fake visions, the psychics of the Morpheus Initiative find themselves either imprisoned or on their own as the entire world turns against them. Their only hope — and the hope of...