Where There's Smoke...
Everybody with a spare million is lining up at the gates of Ranch Ragnarok, home to Esther Clear Seer's Church of the Absolute and Incontrovertible Truth. Here an evil yellow smoke shrouds an ancient oracle that offers...
A Thousand Year Nightmare
A vacationing Harold Smith finds himself in the middle of a war zone when World War II planes bomb London and Nazi-attired skinheads goosestep through the streets.
To complete the weird déjà vu, the guy...
When Captain Audion holds America hostage by jamming all television transmission and star news anchor Cheeta Ching is kidnapped, Remo must save the country by defeating Captain Audion and rescuing...
"The Horror Is Quicker Than The Eye When Remo And Chiun Go After An Invisible Enemy"
"Now You See It..."
Someone - or something - is walking right through the walls of America's top nuclear missile facility, and walking off with some of...