In 2026, the Earth faces an unexpected disaster. A supernova in the nearby Alpha Centauri system has apparently wiped out nearly every electronic component on the planet, leaving human civilization paralyzed. Phones don't work, transportation...
After the Nuclear Spasm in the 21st century, Homo sapiens was extinct, save for a tiny remnant scattered in small, primitive space colonies. At first Solar Humanity had only one goal: survival. But when the battle for existence was won, humankind...
The discovery of an ancient alien technology known as the Artifacts enables the human race to jump from galaxy to galaxy, but when a strange new Artifact emerges and changes all the other Artifacts, chaos...
In the aftermath of the “summertide” that nearly destroyed twin planets of Opal and Quake, a few humans and aliens representing various civilized worlds confront the remnants of an ancient technology and discover a threat to life as they know...
En el siglo XXII, la combinación de una bio-realimentación potenciada por ordenador con unas nuevas técnicas de quimioterapia ha permitido al ser humano no sólo curarse (eliminando la profesión médica), sino...
2010 D.C.
Sólo unos pocos seres humanos que habitan en las primitivas colonias en órbita en torno a la Tierra logran escapar a la hecatombe Nuclear. Deben iniciar el éxodo en busca de nuevos mundos lejos de la Tierra...
Der Gezeitensturm rückt näher: die Zeit, wenn die Zwillingsplaneten Opal und Erdstoß ihrer Sonne am nächsten kommen. Unglaubliche Gezeitenkräfte wirken auf die beiden Welten ein. Diesmal soll es besonders schlimm werden,...
To the citizens of the planet Erin, the Godspeed Drive is a legendary device from a lost age before the isolation of the Forty Worlds. To teenager Jay Hara, however, it is his one chance to claim his future in deep space—if he can find it. The...
Kicked out of school after a misfired practical joke, Rick Luban takes a job mining asteroids and is surprised by the industry’s fierce competition and dangers, which include sabotage and...
Una inteligencia artifical escapa al control de sus creadores y elabora sus propios planes sobre lo que quiere hacer, sin imporrtarle para ello el ser violenta para conseguirlo. Los humanos se unen a un grupo de razas alienígenas para trabajar...