La Zamenhofa traduko de «La gimnazio» unue aperis en la gazeto «La Revuo» en 1909–1910. Libroforme ĝi estis publikigita unue en 1924 kune kun «La rabeno de Baĥaraĥ» en unu volumo. La ĉi-tiea teksto sekvas la duan eldonon de...
Even the most pious Jew need not shed so many tears over the destruction of Jerusalem as the women were in the habit of shedding when Stempenyu was playing.
The first work of Sholom Aleichem’s to be translated into English — this long...
For the 150th anniversary of the birth of the “Jewish Mark Twain,” a new translation of his most famous works
Tevye the Dairyman and Motl the Canto’s Son are the most celebrated characters in all of Jewish fiction. Tevye is the lovable,...
Of all the characters in modern Jewish fiction, the most beloved is Tevye, the compassionate, irrepressible, Bible-quoting dairyman from Anatevka, who has been immortalized in the writings of Sholem Aleichem and in acclaimed and award-winning...
This volume presents an outstanding new translation of two favorite comic novels by the preeminent Yiddish writer Sholem Aleichem (1859–1916). The Letters of Menakhem Mendl and Sheyne Sheyndl portrays a tumultuous marriage through letters...
Z jarmarku, to zbeletryzowana autobiografia, opisuje życie ludu żydowskiego w diasporze – w Rosji przed Rewolucją.
Akcja książki zaczyna się w momencie, kiedy autor jest jeszcze dzieckiem, i rozgrywa się w jego...