A brilliant collection of original stories. A predatory alien accidentally teleported to Earth A mad scientist and his imprisoned ghost A space traveller returns to face an accusation of...
This story is set in the year 2194 AD when Jan Hazard is determined to search for his elder brother, missing on Verdia, the so-called "Killer Planet". This is the first children's book from the Hugo Award-winner who has written over twenty adult...
This is the gripping story of the collision between two vastly different human civilisations. One is Earth in the early 21st century, rushing toward self-inflicted nuclear doom. The other is the distant world of Mollan, whose inhabitants have...
In the 24th century, men join the Space Legion to forget. A memory-erasing machine makes sure they do just that. The machine purges the memory of all traces of guilt, but for Legion recruit Warren Peace it has wiped out everything. He must have had...
Un pianeta su cui si è sviluppata una società avventurosa ma arretrata, spinta da una grande sete di conoscenza ma dotata di una tecnologia elementare e proprio per questo ancora più eroica. Un ambiente duro e ostile da cui si può evadere solo...