The Day Is Dark [Auðnin - en]

The Day Is Dark [Auðnin - en]
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Серия: Thora Gudmundsdottir #4
Язык: английский
Оригинальное название: The Day Is Dark [Auðnin - en]
Добавил: Admin 2 Ноя 12
Проверила: Sveta 2 Ноя 12
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When all contact is lost with two Icelanders working in a harsh and sparsely populated area on the northeast coast of Greenland, Thora is hired to investigate. Is there any connection with the disappearance of a woman from the site some months earlier? And why are the locals so hostile?
Already an international bestseller, this fourth book to feature Thóra Gudmundsdóttir ('a delight' – Guardian) is chilling, unsettling and compulsively readable.

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