This is a novel of sophisticated government deception in the near future, an exploration of political corruption. Written in 1957 when Silverberg was 22, the novel is cynical and highly...
The novel details the response of the political leadership of Earth to an eventual collision of their aggressive expanding colonial empire with a newly-discovered alien...
Imagine a future world where death is not exactly the end. You can record everything about you that ever made you a distinct human being and then be implanted in the mind of someone living.Paul Kaufmann had been the richest and most...
The novel concerns a trio of alien explorers, each one surgically altered so that they outwardly appear human, who find themselves separated, and permanently stranded on Earth, after their ship explodes while hovering in low orbit. Each of the...
The death-stars had come, and they had kept on coming for hundreds of thousands of years, falling upon the Earth, swept upon it by a vagrant star that had passed through the outer reaches of the solar system. They brought with them a time of...
Vornan-19 fell from the sky, naked, and landed on the Spanish steps in Rome on Christmas afternoon toward the end of the Millennium. And for Leo Garfield things would never be the same. For he is an acknowledged expert in the time reversal...
When Tom Nile’s genetic structure was determined, it varied from the human norm only in one respect. Most of us have minds like sieves, through which our recollections of the past constantly leak away; but Tom came into the world incapable of...