NightStar wird von dunklen Visionen voller Blut und Tod heimgesucht, die ihr große Angst machen. Denn Faith ist eine V-Mediale, die die Fähigkeit besitzt, die Zukunft vorherzusehen. Werden ihre Visionen womöglich schon bald...
In einer Welt, in der Gefühle verboten sind und die telepathisch begabten Psy jede Form von Leidenschaft unterdrücken, führt die junge Sascha Duncan ein Doppelleben. Als sie dem gutaussehenden Gestaltwandler Lucas Hunter begegnet,...
by Maggie Shayne
For Matt, Christmas has aroused painful memories ever since his father died, leaving his family all but destitute and Matt with far too much responsibility too soon. Holly lost her family in a tragedy—but found...
Adria, wolf changeling and resilient soldier, has made a break with the past—one as unpredictable in love as it was in war. Now comes a new territory, and a devastating new complication: Riaz, a SnowDancer lieutenant already sworn to a desperate...
Warrior angels, vampire hunters, and angels gone bad heat up this altogether sizzling paranormal alternate universe. This anthology of novellas features Angels' Wolf, Angels' Judgement, Angels' Pawn, and the never-before-published Angels'...
New York Times bestselling author Nalini Singh is back in the shadows of a deadly, beautiful world where angels rule, vampires serve, and one female hunter must crawl out of the darkness to survive...
The severed head marked by a distinctive...