In Montana, a man attends the funeral of his parents, ostensibly killed in a car crash. In Los Angeles, a fifteen-year-old girl is abducted by a man assumed dead. These events are linked by the fact that in both there is something missing. As...
Stephen King hailed Michael Marshall's novel Straw Men as “a masterpiece . . . brilliantly written and scary as hell.” Now, Marshall returns with this latest unnerving tale—a creepy, fast-paced thriller that grips you from the first page...
For ex-cop Jack Whalen, it all begins with a visit from a childhood friend, a lawyer who needs Jack's help. The family of a noted scientist has been senselessly, brutally murdered, and the scientist is nowhere to be found.
But Jack has more...
Il seguito di “Uomini di Paglia” prende le mosse dalla fuga di Ward Hopkins, ex-agente della CIA, dal quartier generale del gruppo sovversivo che intende usare ogni mezzo per riportare l’umanità alla sua purezza primitiva. Il leader...