From the 2000 anthology Lisa Snellings’ Strange Attraction: Turns of the Midnight Carnival Wheel. A young circus performer fears falling.
Finalist for the Bram Stoker Award for Best Short Story of the Year, and one of three stories...
Webmind is an emerging consciousness that has befriended Caitlin Decter and grown eager to learn about her world. But Webmind has also come to the attention of WATCH—the secret government agency that monitors the Internet for any threat to the...
Trzecia i ostatnia czesc trylogii o dwoch rownoleglych swiatach — blizniaczych Ziemiach — naszej, zdominowanej przez czlowieka i drugiej, opanowanej przez Neandertalczykow. W Hybrydach Ponter Boddit i jego partnerka z Ziemi Homo sapiens, Mary...
Canadian author Robert J. Sawyer offers an epic hard-science space adventure full of technical descriptions of starships and physics tempered by human concerns. In the twenty-first century, the human race has both developed faster-than-light travel...