The Hugo Award Winner–2003
Hominids examines two unique species of people. We are one of those species; the other is the Neanderthals of a parallel world where they became the dominant intelligence. The Neanderthal civilization has reached...
Pierwszy tom wyśmienitej trylogii SF "Neandertalska Paralaksa", nagrodzony w 2003 roku Hugo Award.
W Hominidach mamy okazję przyjrzeć się dwóm odrębnym gatunkom człowieka. Jednym z nich jesteśmy my, a...
Un experimento científico hace posible la inesperada interacción entre dos universos paralelos con la salvedad de que, en uno de ellos, la especie humana que ha predominado son los Neanderthales y no los Cormagnones, como ha ocurrido en...
Robert J. Sawyer, the award-winning and bestselling writer, hits the peak of his powers in Humans, the second book of The Neanderthal Parallax, his trilogy about our world and parallel one in which it was the Homo sapiens who died out and the...
In Hominids, Nebula Award-winning author Robert J. Sawyer introduced a character readers will never forget: Ponter Boddit, a Neanderthal physicist from a parallel Earth who was whisked from his reality into ours by a quantum-computing experiment...
Trzecia i ostatnia czesc trylogii o dwoch rownoleglych swiatach — blizniaczych Ziemiach — naszej, zdominowanej przez czlowieka i drugiej, opanowanej przez Neandertalczykow. W Hybrydach Ponter Boddit i jego partnerka z Ziemi Homo sapiens, Mary...
Ascoltare messaggi che vengono dalle stelle è un compito che i radioastronomi eseguono da anni nella speranza che possano arrivarci rivelazioni in grado di cambiare la nostra visione dell’universo. Ed è probabile che un giorno queste...
This new collection by the man Anne McCaffrey calls “an absolutely marvelous writer” includes Hugo Award nominee “Shed Skin,” Nebula Award nominee “Identity Theft,” and Aurora Award winner “Ineluctable.” In these pages, you’ll...