In a novel set in the twenty-first century, a bionic woman becomes swept into a world of simulated environments and heightened perception.
Nominated for BSFA Award in 1996, for Hugo and Locus awards in...
Cyberpunk is dead
The revolution has been co-opted by half-assed heroes, overclocked CGI, and tricked-out sunglasses. Once radical, cyberpunk is nothing more than a brand.
Time to stop flipping the channel
It’s the year 2044, and America has gone to hell. A disenfranchised U.S. Air Force base has turned to highway robbery in order to pay the bills. Vast chunks of the population live nomadic lives fueled by cheap transportation and even cheaper...
Впервые опубликовано журналом небуквального перевода "Speaking In Tongues Лавка Языков"
Перевод — Ник Е. Кирилов и...