
Современные любовные романы
Язык: английский
Год: 2007
Добавил: Admin 16 Май 12
Проверил: Admin 16 Май 12
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Candy – it's the only the name she needs – is blazing her way through Paris, New York and Tokyo as fashion's latest international supermodel… Her sister, Tammy, has a job producing the most successful hit show on TV, and a home she loves in L.A.'s Hollywood Hills… In New York, oldest sister Sabrina is an ambitious young lawyer, while Annie is an American artist in Florence, living for her art… On one Fourth of July weekend, as they do every year, the four sisters come home to Connecticut for their family's annual gathering. But before the holiday is over, tragedy strikes and their world is utterly changed. Suddenly, four sisters who have been fervently pursuing success and their own lives – on opposite sides of the world – come together to share one New York brownstone, to support each other and their father, and to pick up the pieces while one sister struggles to heal her shattered body and soul. Thus begins an unscripted chapter of their lives, as a bustling house is soon filled with eccentric dogs, laughter, tears, friends, men… and the kind of honesty and unconditional love only sisters can provide. But as the four women settle in, each is forced to confront the direction of their respective lives. As the year passes and another July Fourth approaches, a season of grief and change gives way to new beginnings as a family comes together to savor its blessings and a future filled with unexpected gifts, surprises, and ultimately, hope. With unerring insight and compassion, Danielle Steel tells a compelling story of four sisters who love and laugh, struggle and triumph… and are irrevocably woven into the fabric of each other's lives. Brilliantly blending humor and heartbreak, she delivers a powerful message about the fragility – and the wonder – of life.

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