Decades into our future, a stone's throw from the ancient city of Shanghai, a brilliant nanotechnologist named John Percival Hackworth has just broken the rigorous moral code of his tribe, the powerful neo Victorians. He's made an illicit copy of...
The #1 New York Times bestselling author of Seveneves, Anathem, Reamde, and Cryptonomicon returns with a wildly inventive and entertaining science fiction thriller—Paradise Lost by way of Phillip K. Dick—that unfolds in the near future,...
This is "the Word" - one man's word, certainly - about the art (and artifice) of the state of our computer-centric existence. And considering that the "one man" is Neal Stephenson, "the hacker Hemingway" (Newsweek) - acclaimed novelist,...
A billion Chinese are using new technology to create the fastest growing economy on the planet. But while the information wants to be free, do they?
There's no way William A. Cozzano can lose the upcoming presidential election. He's a likable midwestern governor with one insidious advantage—an advantage provided by a shadowy group of backers. A biochip implanted in his head hardwires him to a...
Dans une Chine rétro-futuriste partagée entre réseaux neuronaux, rebelles intégristes néo-confucéens et comptoirs occidentaux, l’Itinéraire d’une toute jeune fille guidée par les préceptes de son...
In which the hacker tourist ventures forth across the wide and wondrous meatspace of three continents, acquainting himself with the customs and dialects of the exotic Manhole Villagers of Thailand, the U-Turn Tunnelers of the Nile Delta, the...
Stephenson opisał tu badaczy, filozofów, naukowców, którzy zostali zamknięci w zakonach i pozbawieni dostępu do komputerów, akceleratorów cząstek oraz reszty niezbędnego ustrojstwa, lecz nie...