Guided by a captured gang pistolero, Able Team crashes into the firestorm of the Mexican heroin wars. The three superspecialists blaze a desperate path across a desolate landscape to confront drug armies waging a campaign of atrocity and...
A power-hungry Texas billionaire was planning to stage a revolution in Mexico. But the FBI and CIA knew only that their agents, sent to infiltrate his mysterious strike force of elite mercs, had suffered horrible deaths.
The president's...
Seventy-two filthy, vicious motorcycle hoodlums have taken over the fantasy isle of Catalina off the coast of Los Angeles. Their hostages are the island s seventeen hundred inhabitants, cowering from the butchery.
Also kidnapped are six...
After the ambush-murders of a Central Intelligency Agency surveillance unit, Able Team flies to Lebanon with instructions to "arrest or terminate" a renegade U.S. Marine fighting for the Islamic militias of Beirut.
But in the...
A Wall Street skyscraper had been invaded. Hostages were being held — and, with them, enough confidential banking data to imperil the entire world.
Ugly, city-wide panic was inevitable until Able Team was called in. Carl Lyons, Pol...
Dispatched by the President to investigate a multimillion-dollar weapons-for-drugs exchange, Able Team probed deep into the wilds of Guatemala. There, The Executioner' s top squad of death dealers fell into a bloody maze of...