Džonatans Strouds
Golema acs
Aizraujošā romāna Samarkandas amulets turpinājums
…Golemam nebija ne ausu ne matu. Acu vietā briesmonim bija divi caurumi, kuri izskatījās kā izbakstīti ar zīmuli. Arī deguna tam nebija; toties...
After leaving Lockwood & Co. at the end of *The Hollow Boy,* Lucy is a freelance operative, hiring herself out to agencies that value her ever-improving skills. One day she is pleasantly surprised by a visit from Lockwood, who tells her he needs...
Džonatans Strouds
Ptolemaja vārti
Aizraujošo romānu Samarkandas amulets un Golema acs turpinājums
… Kitija juta strauju kustību isās pusēs. Tā nebija fiziska sajuta, jo viņai nebija ķermeņa, bet nojausma. Meitene pamanīja,...
Džonatans Strouds
Samarkandas amulets
Bartimaja triloģijas 1. grāmata
Gaišdzeltenais sēra mākonis savijās bieza dūmu stabā, kuru no visam pusēm apņēma liesmu mēles… Tas uz īsu brīdi aprima, bet tad dūmos uzdzalksitja...
Nathaniel is a young magician's apprentice, taking his first lessons in the arts of magic. But when a devious hotshot wizard named Simon Lovelace ruthlessly humiliates Nathaniel in front of everyone he knows, Nathaniel decides to kick up his...
A thrilling new case for London’s most talented psychic detection
agency – from the global bestselling author of the Bartimaeus Sequence.
In London, a mysterious and potentially deadly ghost is stalking the
halls of St Simeon’s Academy...