A haunting collection of short stories from Koji Suzuki, author of the smash thriller, Ring, which spawned the hit film and sequels. The first story in this collection has been adapted to film (Dark Water, Walter Salles), and another, Adrift is...
Stunning, cutting-edge thriller with a chilling supernatural twist from Japan’s stylish new literary star.Asakawa is a hardworking journalist who has climbed his way up from local-news beat reporter to writer for his newspaper’s weekly magazine....
Edge begins with a massive and catastrophic shifting of the San Andreas fault. The fears of California someday tumbling into the sea — that have become the stuff of parody — become real. But even the terror resulting from this catastrophe pales...
Basis of the Hit Movie Ring 0: Birthday!
Birthday is Ring-master Koji Suzuki’s return to the Ring universe, a collection of short stories focusing on the female characters with a theme of birth. An exploration of extraordinary...