Five Spice Street

Five Spice Street
Современная русская и зарубежная проза
Автор: Сюэ Цань
Язык: английский
Год: 2009
Издатель: Yale University Press
Переводчик: Karen Gernant
Второй переводчик: Chen Zeping
Добавил: Admin 29 Май 15
Проверил: Admin 29 Май 15
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Five Spice Street tells the story of a street in an unnamed city whose inhabitants speculate on the life of a mysterious Madam X. The novel interweaves their endless suppositions into a work that is at once political parable and surreal fantasia. Some think X is 50 years old; others that she is 22. Some believe she has occult powers and has thereby enslaved the young men of the street; others think she is a clever trickster playing mind games with the common people. Who is Madam X? How has she brought the good people of Five Spice Street to their knees either in worship or in exasperation? The unknown narrator takes no sides in the endless interplay of visions, arguments, and opinions. The investigation rages, as the street becomes a Walpurgisnacht of speculations, fantasies, and prejudices. Madam X is a vehicle whereby the people bare their souls, through whom they reveal themselves even as they try to penetrate the mystery of her extraordinary powers.
Five Spice Street is one of the most astonishing novels of the past twenty years. Exploring the collective consciousness of this little street of ordinary people, Can Xue penetrates the deepest existential anxieties of the present day — whether in China or in the West — where the inevitable impermanence of identity struggles with the narrative within which identity must compose itself.

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