Each story can be seen from at least two perspectives, and each protagonist can be seen as experiencing an objective 'reality' or having his own imagined and quite possibly distorted view of...
In this enchanting and evocative novel, Antonio Tabucchi takes the reader on a dream-like trip to Portugal, a country he is deeply attached to. He spent many years there as director of the Italian Cultural Institute in Lisbon. He even wrote Requiem...
Late on night, the body of a young man is delivered to the morgue of an Italian town. The next day's newspapers report that he was killed in a police raid, and that went by the obviously false name "Carlo Nobodi." Spino, the morgue attendant on duty...
Antonio Tabucchi's new novel The Missing Head of Damasceno Monteiro continues the experiment so successfully begun with his Pereira Declares (New Directions, 1994) — a European best-seller and winner of the prestigious Aristeion European...
"Triumphs of nuance and suggestion." — Chicago Tribune
"Ruminative, elegiac, and mordantly funny, Tabucchi's prose conjures a state between waking and dreaming." — The New York Times
From "A Whale's View of Man":
Always so...
As the collection's title suggests, time's passage is the fil rouge of these stories. All of Tabucchi's characters struggle to find routes of escape from a present that is hard to bear, and from places in which political events have had deeply...