In Lisa Tuttle’s stories, the everyday domestic world of her female protagonists is invaded by the bizarre, the uncanny, the horrific. In ‘Bug House’, a woman who goes to visit her aunt is shocked to find she is dying – but even more...
Sarah and Brian were the perfect couple ... until Brian fell in love with someone else. Sarah's life was shattered. Sarah was shattered.
Miraculously, Sarah soon had a new lover--one who came to her in dreams, who promised her anything she wanted,...
Mieszkańcy Przystani Wiatrów odkryli, że na ich planecie możliwe jest realizowanie odwiecznego marzenia ludzi. Wspomagani przez słabą grawitację i gęstą atmosferę, na skrzydłach wykutych z...
Lisa Tuttle:
This book is dedicated with love and gratitude to my mother and father, even if they don't read it.
George R. R. Martin:
This one is for Elizabeth and Anne and Mary Kaye and Carol and Meredyth and Ann and Yvonne...