The Asylum

The Asylum
Язык: английский
Год: 2012
Издатель: Doubleday
ISBN: 978-0-85752-140-8
Город: London
Переводчик: Marlaine Delargy
Добавил: Admin 2 Май 21
Проверил: Admin 2 Май 21
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‘We don’t talk about sick or healthy people at St Patricia’s. Words such as hysteric, lunatic and psychopath... They are no longer used. Because who amongst us can say that we are always healthy?’ An underground passage leads from the Dell nursery to St Patricia’s asylum. Only the children enter, leaving their minders behind. On the other side, heavily guarded and closely watched, are their parents — some of the most dangerous people in the country. Jan has just started working at the nursery. He is a loner with many secrets and one goal. He must get inside the asylum... What is his connection with one of the inmates, a famous singer? What really happened when a boy in his care went missing nine years ago? Who can we trust when everyone has something to hide?

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