When the terrorist group known as al-Mimkhalif wages war on the high seas, Brannigan's Brigands prepare to take down the enemy, until they discover that one of their own is deep undercover in the al-Mimkhalif organization and holds the fate of...
In Afghanistan, a British deserter and a fanatical Iranian special forces commander are both working for extremists who want to take over the Middle East. They've prepared a surprise for Brannigan's Brigands-one that the SEALs may not...
Into The Fire
The incoming hurricane of flying steel pounding into the SEAL positions grew with each passing moment. Bullets whined and cracked through the air around the Americans, some clipping the taller blades of grass. It was obvious to...
Brannigan's Brigands are patrolling the Afghanistan/Iran border in high-tech vehicles when they meet a mobile corps of Iranian Special Forces who have their own agenda-to conquer. Now, Brannigan and his SEALs are targeted to be the first infidels...
In Afghanistan, a native CIA contact wants to defect with detailed knowledge of anti-American insurgent operations. But time is short, and the risk is high. William "Wild Bill" Brannigan and his SEAL platoon are called in for the difficult and...