This book concerns a pair of teenagers, one from the Cross-time civilization, one a native, who meet in a Virginia where the United States fell apart, in a North America torn by war between numerous independent...
An explosion of incalculable magnitude in Yellowstone Park propelled lava and ash across the landscape and into the atmosphere, forever altering the climate of the entire continent. Nothing grows from the tainted soil. Stalled and stilled...
Takes place in a world where the Black Death killed four-fifths of Europe's population, and the Moors still occupy Spain and southern France, and the Industrial Revolution never...
In a parallel-world 21st-century San Francisco where the Kaiser's Germany won World War One and went on to dominate the world, Paul Gomes and his father Lawrence are secret agents for our timeline, posing as traders from a foreign land. They run...
Noninterference — The Survey Service was supposed to observe alien worlds, without any interference. Then, an expedition broke the rule and an entire planet was at risk!...