Morgan and her best friend, Bree, are introduced to Wicca when a gorgeous senior named Cal invites them to join his new coven. Morgan falls for Cal immediately-and discovers that she has strong, inexplicable...
Continues the story of Morgan as her power as a witch begins to grow. Her love for Cal deepens but she worries when Cal and Hunter, another witch, fight and she later believes she has caused Hunter's death. Morgan's powers grow stronger and she...
Morgan begins to understand something of her power and to move on with her life after the terrible betrayal of Cal, her first love. She realizes that Wicca can work for good or for evil as she fights the dark magick of Seline and Cal — and later...
Morgan has discovered she is a blood witch — that means the people she thought were her parents and her sister are not related to her, that she was adopted. She confronts her parents who reluctantly admit the adoption. Morgan is determined to...
Morgan continues to unravel her past and the story of her birth mother as her relationship with Cal develops. She begins to understand more about her power as a blood witch when she finds her mother's tools of magic. Morgan can't quite relax into...