Najnowsze wydanie klasycznego dzieła Tolkiena. Hobbit to istota większa od liliputa, mniejsza jednak od krasnala. Fantastyczny, przemyślany do najdrobniejszych szczegółów świat z powieści Tolkiena jest...
The five tales are written with the same skill, quality and charm that made The Hobbit a classic. Largely overlooked because of their short lengths, they are finally together in a volume which reaffirms Tolkien's place as a master storyteller for...
The five tales are written with the same skill, quality and charm that made The Hobbit a classic. Largely overlooked because of their short lengths, they are finally together in a volume which reaffirms Tolkien's place as a master storyteller for...
The five tales are written with the same skill, quality and charm that made The Hobbit a classic. Largely overlooked because of their short lengths, they are finally together in a volume which reaffirms Tolkien's place as a master storyteller for...