In London, the legendary freedom fighter Gustavo Berrio-Brito, also known as “Felix,” is kidnapped. A romantic figure in the Che tradition, Felix is particularly close to the current Libyan dictator, Mourabet, who ascended to power after the...
Few seem to notice or even care when fifty-seven-year-old Steadfast Haynes, a veteran CIA hired hand, dies quietly — even discreetly — in a $185-a-day Hay-Adams Hotel room commanding a fine view of the White House. But official indifference...
In his brilliant first novel, The Cold War Swap, Ross Thomas introduced two witty characters named Mac McCorkle and Michael Padillo, a barkeep and a government agent, who become partners in a saloon and in the deadly game of espionage. The response...
Wudu, Ltd. is not exactly a private investigation agency, and the overhead's too high for con men. It's "a closely held limited liability company that does for others what they cannot do for themselves." says Arthur Case Wu — ex-carny, pretender...
Thus begins what may be the most popular of Ross Thomas’s unique stories. The combination of Wu, pretender to the Imperial throne of China, and Quincy Durant, who has his own colorful past, makes for a heady experience. After starting with the...
Starting in Los Angeles and moving to Washington and Singapore, this new Thomas thriller involves the reader in a fascinating story of intrigue as an ex-Hollywood stunt man searches for another man he thought he had killed two years before. What is...
Lucifer Dye, born in Montana and educated in (among other places) Shanghai’s most distinguished bordello, is in San Francisco being debriefed following his dismissal from Section Two, a secret American intelligence agency. Dye and Section Two are...
Professional go-between Philip St. Ives finds himself in a London jail even before he has accepted an offer from Ned and Norbert Nitry to recover the fabulous Sword of St. Louis which as (or has it?) been stolen from them and is being ransomed. When...
Philip St. Ives, the top professional go-between introduced last year in The Brass Go-Between, is back in action. In this new novel of intrigue, St. Ives is coerced by the Department of State into recovering the U.S. Ambassador to Yugoslavia. The...
Set in California, Mexico, Washington, D.C., and Germany in 1946, The Eighth Dwarf centers around a struggle among three intelligence agencies, each seeking the same man. Minor Jackson, and ex-OSS operative, is thrown into this conflict with only...