In London, the legendary freedom fighter Gustavo Berrio-Brito, also known as “Felix,” is kidnapped. A romantic figure in the Che tradition, Felix is particularly close to the current Libyan dictator, Mourabet, who ascended to power after the...
Shadowy and well-financed interests want to funnel five million dollars to rebels in the Philippine mountains, to fund the violent revolt against the fledgling Aquino government. But the rebel leader trusts no one but Booth Stallings, a terrorism...
Former political campaign manager Harvey Longmire is enjoying a pleasant semi-retirement with his wife on an 80-acre farm in Virginia when he is visited by two old friends. They are working for a millionaire who has set up a foundation to...
In the mode of The Fools in Town Are on Our Side, Ross Thomas’s best-selling novel to date, The Porkchoppers takes an inside look at corruption — this time in an American labor union. The result is Thomas’s toughest and most entertaining...
A car bomb explodes in a white-orange flash, blowing a pretty young homicide detective to bits. A thousand miles away in Washington, Benjamin Dill learns of his sister’s murder and returns to their hometown to find out who killed her and why.
Abner Procane is the greatest thief in the world. And he’s in trouble. Philip St. Ives, certainly the greatest professional go-between in the world, is hired to help Procane. And go-betweening being what it is for St. Ives, he is soon involved in...
A provocative and entertaining novel of political adventure in contemporary Africa... Clinton Shartelle, a Southern gentleman partial to seersucker, is the best rough-and-tumble political campaign manager in the United Stares. Peter Upshaw, the...