The Book of Air

The Book of Air
Постапокалипсис, Современная русская и зарубежная проза
Автор: Treasure Joe
Язык: английский
Год: 2016
Издатель: Clink Street Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-911525-09-7
Город: London
Добавил: Admin 1 Май 21
Проверил: Admin 1 Май 21
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Retreating from an airborne virus with a uniquely unsettling symptom, property developer Jason escapes London for his country estate, where he is forced to negotiate a new way of living with an assortment of fellow survivors.
Far in the future, an isolated community of descendants continue to farm this same estate. Among their most treasured possessions are a few books, including a copy of Jane Eyre, from which they have constructed their hierarchies, rituals and beliefs. When 15-year-old Agnes begins to record the events of her life, she has no idea what consequences will follow. Locked away for her transgressions, she escapes to the urban ruins and a kind of freedom, but must decide where her future lies.
These two stories interweave, illuminating each other in unexpected ways and offering long vistas of loss, regeneration and wonder.
The Book of Air is a story of survival, the shaping of memory and the enduring impulse to find meaning in a turbulent world.

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