The Misbegotten

The Misbegotten
Современная русская и зарубежная проза
Язык: английский
Год: 2013
Добавил: Admin 23 Май 16
Проверил: Admin 23 Май 16
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Secrets and haunting mysteries… A wonderfully powerful and poignant historical novel from the author of the TV Book Club best seller The Legacy.
Bath, 1821: Rachel Crofton escapes her unhappy employment as a governess by marrying a self-made businessman. But her new life soon takes an unexpected turn. Reclusive Jonathan Alleyn is a man tormented by the disappearance of his childhood sweetheart, Alice. Starling, foundling child and now servant, is convinced that Alice, the woman she loved as a sister, was stolen from her. Did Alice run away? Or did something altogether more sinister occur?
As Starling tries to expose the lies behind Bath's immaculate facades, others want only to forget, and will go to extreme lengths to do so. And the courage both Rachel and Starling need to bring these truths to light will come at a very high price… Read by Jacqueline King.

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