This is the frighteningly true story of two young cops and two young robbers whose separate destinies fatally cross one March night in a bizarre execution in a deserted Los Angeles...
For some, it's the pleasure capitol of the world. For others, it's a city of last chances, a paradise on the edge of the desert. For soon-to-be-ex-cop Lynn Cutter, sweating out a disability pension, it could become a point of no return.
A cheap hooker named Missy Moonbeam takes a fatal dive from the roof of a sleazy hotel. But what's a Caltech phone number doing in her trick book? And how does that connect to a dead private eye and a useless credit card? And what does all that...
A true account of a daring attempt to make the US–Mexico border safe
Each night, thousands of immigrants stream north across the Mexican border towards San Diego, hoping to make a new life in the United States. Along the way, many find...