Can a peace-loving pacifist from a tiny downstate New York Village named Greenwich find happiness in the middle of a mob of dedicated assassins? This is the question our hero, J. Eugene Raxford, asks himself while ducking bullets, bombs, karate...
Levine is an episodic saga, a series of six novellas (including one written expressly for this volume) laying open for examination the life of a Brooklyn cop, a man dedicated to his job and living in constant fear of the moment when his ailing heart...
Academy Award nominee Donald Westlake (The Grifters) returns with a never-before-published thriller based on his story for a James Bond movie that never got made with an afterword by Bond producer Jeff Kleeman. A formerly rich businessman thrown out...
This collection of short fiction, selected by the author, spans a writing career of more than 40 years and illuminates the heart and soul of the antihero. A lone castaway on a desert island commits a murder for which he is the sole suspect. A...
ANARCHAOS — “Start to say anarchy, and midway switch and say chaos.” Anarchaos was a planet, a planet colonized by humans, and revolving around a red sun the natives called Hell. But it was the planet that deserved the name. For Rolf Malone,...