Humans is a jumbo-sized fantasy thriller featuring angels, demons, all-too-human humans, and nothing less than the complete destruction of planet Earth! The world stinks. God is fed up. He’s ready to take action. One of His very best Angels has...
You are in the jungles of Belize. You pick your way carefully along the overgrown trail until you come to the clearing. There, above you, rest the ruins of a Mayan pyramid. Is that a stone whistle at your feet? An idol of a bat-god? Riches surround...
Following last year’s hilariously funny Dancing Aztecs, the prolific Donald E. Westlake now produces a pair of miniatures — two brief strokes of genius for the price of one — which is certainly ENOUGH for anybody. “A Travesty,” follows the...
Tom Garrity and Joe Loomis are cops in New York — commuters to a job in a city where people often feel like animals. As cops, they’re at the center of it. The brutalizers and the brutalized. Unable to take much more of it, they invent a romantic...
The worlds of Donald E. Westlake are filled with scrambling underachievers. With such books as Bank Shot, Help I Am Being Held Prisoner, Cops and Robbers, and Jimmy the Kid, he has shown us heroes whose comic desperation derives from their...