Misadventures of a young cab driver who, when trying to collect some race track winnings, becomes embroiled in the mystery surrounding the murder of his...
For 25 years, Burke Devore has provided for his family and played by the rules. Until now. Downsized from his job, Devore is slipping away: from his wife, his family, and from all civilized norms of behavior. He wants his life back, and will do...
ACTOR-ADVENTURER-LOVER-THIEF... Alan Grofield is one of the few swingers still swinging who could start the day with a federal crime, and end it working for Uncle Sam. And wind up deep in the frozen wastes of northern Canada fighting like hell for...
Engel had worked his way up to being Nick Rovito’s right-hand man, near the top of the Syndicate. And this was a delicate job — retrieving a very important jacket, loaded with heroin, from a fresh grave. But Engel found only an empty...
The year is 1977, and America is finally getting over the nightmares of Watergate and Vietnam and the national hangover that was the 1960s. But not everyone is ready to let it go.
Not aging comedian Koo...
There’s no doubt that Charlie Poole was a completely innocuous, lazy, ambitionless young man until the night two of his uncle’s friends came to murder him. Charlie tended bar in his uncle’s Brooklyn saloon and was perfectly happy to do so....
John Dortmunder left prison with the warm words of the warden ringing in his ears and not one chance of going straight. Soon Dortmunder was riding in a stolen Cadillac with venetian blinds, reuniting with old friends and scheming to heist a large...