Aus der Reihe »Utopia-Classics«
Band 8
Frederik Pohl und Jack Williamson
Alarm in der Tiefsee
Gefahr für Krakatau Dome, die Tiefseestadt
Jim Eden, Kadett der US-Tiefsee-Akademie, wird überraschend nach Krakatau Dome abkommandiert....
Aus der Reihe »Utopia-Classics«
Band 4
Frederik Pohl und Jack Williamson
Duell in der Tiefe
Abenteuer in Thetis, der Tiefsee-Metropole.
Marinia, das unter großen Opfern geschaffene Reich im Pazifik, mit seinen subozeanischen...
There was no shortage of danger on Cuckoo. 20,000 light years away, the enormous flat surface of Cuckoo travelling at one-sixth the speed of light aimed arrow-straight at the galaxy. Sun One sent the space probe Aurora with a crew of replicates,...
Il ritorno dalla Mongolia della spedizione del celebre professor Mondrick segnerà forse l’inizio di un’era nuova nella storia dell’umanità. Perchè in una certa cassa che gli esploratori portano dal deserto di Gobi sono contenute...
Forse i nostri lontani antenati erano venuti dallo spazio cosmico; forse, agli albori della storia, la terribile magia che dominava il mondo, fino alle Colonne d’Ercole e al lontano Catai, era un segreto venuto dall’infinito. Da mille anni...
15 all-new stories of tomorrow from 15 of the best sci-fi writers of today
The challenge and lure of space exploration has long been fertile ground for some of the finest science fiction stories. Here, fifteen of the best chroniclers of the...
Aus der Reihe »Utopia-Classics« Band 6
Frederik Pohl und Jack Williamson
Städte unter dem Ozean
Der Kampf um die Tiefsee-Festung
Die Menschheit ist längst darangegangen, die Tief see zu erschließen und die Schätze des...
A race of turtle-like creatures conquers Earth, imposing a gentler set of values on humankind, outlawing destructive technology, and denying the validity of human scientific theories. When their home planet disappears into a black hole, however, the...
An interstellar trilogy--complete in one volume. Earth in the near future is governed by the Plan of Man--a complex set of laws enforced by a worldwide computerized security network, necessary for the survival of humankind. Or, so the authorities...