Winner of the 1987 John Llewelyn Rhys Memorial Prize, this psychological fantasy is about two disillusioned young people who seek to revive their former passions. The book is concerned with gambling, madness and androgynous sexuality amidst the...
The Winter's Tale is one of Shakespeare's "late plays." It tells the story of a king whose jealousy results in the banishment of his baby daughter and the death of his beautiful wife. His daughter is found and brought up by a shepherd on the...
In this, her first collection of short stories, Winterson reveals all the facets of her extraordinary imagination. In prose that is full of imagery and word-play, she creates physical and psychological worlds that are at once familiar and yet...
A wonderfully atmospheric, intricating woven, magical modern-day tale of the Pendle Witches. The animosity and anger betwen the accused and the accusers -- which tore the community apart in the seventeenth century -- is still going strong today.
Set on board the "QE2", and in New York and Liverpool, this story welds together sex and science into a celebration of love in all its frailty, confusion and...
Something frightening is happening with time. One moment, a time tornado rages through the streets of London, and those caught up in its path vanish without a trace. The next moment a woolly mammoth is seen lumbering along the banks of the River...
A 21st-century fiction that uses past, present and future as shifting dimensions of a multiple reality. Set in London, Paris, Capri and cyberspace, using fairy tales, contemporary myths and popular culture, it works at the intersection between the...
Jack is the chosen one, the Radiant Boy the Magus needs in order to perfect the alchemy that will transform London of the 1600s into a golden city. But Jack isn't the kind of boy who will do what he is told by an evil genius, and he is soon involved...
A novel of loss and love, and a philosophical meditation on the body. The novel explores the body as a physical entity and as an image of our innermost selves in order to reveal more about the phenomenon of...