The Star Kingdom of Manticore is once again at war with the Republic of Haven after a stunning sneak attack. The graduating class from Saganami Island, the Royal Manticoran Navy's academy, are going straight from the classroom to the blazing...
The families who rule the People's Republic of Haven need a short, victorious war to calm the Proles and defuse any threat of civil war. In their way stands a kingdom that has always backed down before... but Honor Harrington wasn't involved...
This appendix sketches in some of the salient points of the galaxy into which Honor was born… and which she, willingly or not, was to play a major part in changing...
Bahzell Bahnakson of the Horse Stealer hradani never wanted to be a champion of the War God. Unfortunately, Tomanāk had insisted. Even more unfortunately, Bahzell's own sense of responsibility hadn't let him say, "No."Which was how he found...
As the slavemasters of Mesa plot against the Star Empire of Manticore and newly liberated slave planet of Torch, Anton Zilwicki and notorious Havenite secret agent Cachat set off on a dangerous mission to uncover the truth concerning a wave of...
The Solarian League's navy counts its superdreadnoughts by the thousands. Not even its own government knows how enormous its economy truly is. And for hundreds of years, the League has borne the banner of human civilization, been the ideal to which...
Honor Harrington, już jako pełnoprawny oficer Królewskiej Marynarki i dowódca eskadry, otrzymuje rozkaz, w wyniku którego wpada w zasadzkę zastawioną przez wyjątkowo uzdolnionego admirała. Ma dwa...
Thomas Theisman didn't. After risking his life and a fresh round of civil war to overthrow the Committee of Public Safety's reign of terror and restore the Republic of Haven's ancient Constitution, an interstellar war...