Up to his seventeenth year no one regarded Ronald as anything but a rather large, overfed youth, probably best ignored. Perhaps that was the trouble--no one really took a good look at Ronald. Except for his devoted mother, who saw only the son...
Big Planet is a fantastic world populated by an odd assortment of splinter societies, where beauty and evil dwell in uneasy proximity. The tyrant Charley Lysidder- self-styled "Bajarnum of Beaujolais"- seeks to rule the planet, and Claude Glystra...
Die Mondmotte ist eine der ungewöhnlichsten SF Geschichten… Der Konsulat-Vertreter Edward Thissel kommt auf den Planeten Sirene. Es sieht wie ein leichter Job aus, obwohl Edward etwas beunruhigt ist, wie schnell sein Vorgänger den Posten...
The planet Cadwal has an ecosystem unique in the human-explored galaxy; a thousand years past it was set aside as a natural preserve, protected by law and covenant against colonization and exploitation.
But now the elite Conservator...
L’antologia di Jack Vance presenta al lettore i seguenti racconti di fantascienza: «ICABEM», «La selezione», «Il sifone plagiano», «Il fato del Phalid», «Il Tempio di Han», «Il figlio dell’albero» ed «I signori di...
Vance riesce a dispiegare tutto il proprio talento anche nello spazio di un racconto. Perfetto esempio Il Faleno lunare («The Moon Moth», 1961) emblematica avventura di un maldestro inviato terrestre su un mondo nel quale è la maschera —...