Hired to trace Anna Ball, who has vanished, Miss Maud Silver encounters an eccentric art colony, bank robberies and counterfeiting. As with other Miss Silver mysteries, the story relies on character development. Nadia May reads clearly and...
When Car Fairfax starts his mysterious new job, his sole duty seems to be to dine in expensive restaurants, but soon some odd coincidences and dangerous deceits open his eyes to the...
Ninguna ley impide que una famosa actriz, con mucho dinero y algún que otro remordimiento, quiera sentirse acompañada en su vejez, tras retirarse de la escena. Pero el sentido común debiera de impedir que, a cambio de no estar solo,...
Four years ago Charles Moray had been jilted at the altar by Margaret Langton. Four years later he returns to London to find his ex-fiancee mixed up in a vicious plot involving kidnap and...
Immediately on her arrival at Ladies’ House, Ione Muir realizes that all is not right with her newly married sister, Allegra. The town of Bleake is charming, but the medieval manor house itself-known by a sinister local legend as Ladies’ Bane-is...
Things had never been quite the same at Latter End since Lois had taken over. Suddenly life seemed to be an endless succession of bitter family rows, which Lois invariably won. But when Lois Latter is murdered, it's shocking to discover just how...
When James Lessiter returns to Lenton after many years to claim his family estate, his reappearance opens old wounds never healed. Then he is found bludgeoned to death by a fire poker and the suspects are too numerous to count. Thank heavens Miss...
A chance encounter restores Giles Armitage to his fiancee, but the shipwreck has left him with amnesia, and their happiness is threatened by Carola Roland. So when Carola is murdered, Giles is the chief suspect and it takes all Miss Silver's...
When Gay Harkwicke and her fiance, Algy, investigate the mysterious Mr. Zero, who is blackmailing Gay's cousin, Algy ends up becoming the prime suspect in a messy murder, and Gay must find the true...