An engineer battles a small town to see his sister released from prison
It takes Reno three days to get from Peru to the Gulf Coast, and when he gets to Waynesport he has only one stop to make: the city jail, where his sister is being...
A son searches for the men who killed his mysterious father
Even at sixty-six, Gunnar Romstead was a tough old salt. It took several men to bring him down, and even after they’d bound his feet and hands he was still a threat....
The man nobody knew much about was buried at sea. He had been middle-aged, an almost professional sailor, and he had suffered a heart attach. There was nothing in his personal effects to suggest that he might have possessed a fortune.
Off the coast of Yucatan stretches a great coral barrier known as Scorpion Reef. And somewhere along the reef, under 60 feet of water, lies a fabulous treasure in diamonds. It's just waiting for someone who can take it--and return.