After nearly twenty years, Vernor Vinge has produced an enthralling sequel to his memorable bestselling novel A Fire Upon the Deep.
Ten years have passed on Tines World, where Ravna Bergnsdot and a number of human children ended up after a...
By the standards of the planet Giri the travellers from outer space were “witlings”. For a peculiarity of evolution on Giri had given to all its living things a special talent—one which made unnecessary most of the inventions of intelligent...
Un feu sur l’abîme, énorme à tous les sens du terme, renoue avec la grande tradition épique de la Science-Fiction, où l’extravagant est de rigueur et où l’impossible ne constitue qu’une difficulté...
Thousands of years from now, a mind's potential is determined by its location in space—from superintelligent entities in the Transcend, to the limited minds of the Unthinking Depths, where only simple creatures and technology can function. Nobody...