The story begins with Psmith accompanying his fellow Cambridge student Mike to New York on a cricketing tour. Through high spirits and force of personality, Psmith takes charge of a minor periodical, and becomes imbroiled in a scandal involving...
Maybe Mephistopheles was a bad idea after all..., November 23, 2003
Reviewer: Athulan Vijayaraghavan(Austin, TX)
You know things are going bad for Gussie (Agustus Fink-Nottle) when Bertie steps in to lend a able hand in his...
Early work follows Ashe Marson into the drafty halls of Blandings Castle, where he will try to make "something new" of his life by purloining a rare Egyptian scarab — all for the best motives, of course. The resultant hilarious romp through a...
In Stiff Upper Lip, Jeeves, Bertie Wooster returns to Totleigh Towers, the site of an earlier ordeal that nearly landed him in prison and, worse still, in bonds of marriage to Madeline Bassett, the syrupy daughter of the house who believes the stars...