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The Fade

The Fade

Язык: английский
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A subterranean world of vast caverns, underground seas, crystalline forests. A civilisation born of darkness, in darkness, protected by shadows. A city of merchants, whose eyes have turned upward to the surface, where the lethal light of day beats...
Weavers of Saramyr

Weavers of Saramyr

Серия: The Braided Path #1
Язык: английский
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This is the story of the ancient empire of Saramyr—an empire that rules over a land overwhelmed by evil. The evil comes from within the empire’s center: the Weavers, a sect of male magicians close to the throne, intent on killing any child born...
The Ember Blade

The Ember Blade

Серия: Darkwater Legacy #1
Год: 2018
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Empires rise, civilisations fall and one culture comes to subsume another. It's the way of the world . . . sometimes ways of life are improved, sometimes they are not. But the progression of change is huge and - usually - unstoppable. In this story,...
The Shadow Casket

The Shadow Casket

Серия: Darkwater Legacy #2
Год: 2023
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It's been three years since Aren seized the Ember Blade. Three years since they struck the spark they hoped would ignite the revolution. But the flame has failed to catch. The Krodans have crushed Ossia in an iron grip of terror. The revolution...