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Night and Fear

Night and Fear

Язык: английский
Год: 2004
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Cornell Woolrich published his first novel in 1926, and through-out the next four decades his fiction riveted the reading public with unparalleled mystery, suspense, and horror. America’s most popular pulps — Dime Detective, Black Mask, and...
Мистика, Триллер


Язык: английский
Год: 1950
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He kept staring at her with something akin to horror. “A second-degree count?” he whispered. “You don’t know what you’re saying at all. I can’t hope for that. I can’t, don’t you understand? I didn’t tell you all of it that...
Phantom Lady

Phantom Lady

Язык: английский
Год: 1942
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There was nothing distinctive about her except the hat — the shape and color of a pumpkin, with a cockerel feather curving up from the center. And that is all Scott Henderson could remember when his life depended on it. He had met her in a bar...
Post Mortem

Post Mortem

Язык: русский
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Рассказ о том, что самое интересное может найтись после смерти. Потерянный лотерейный билет. Или даже закопанная кочерга. А может быть и...